Map Hosting

MapTiler Cloud

The MapTiler Upload utility (introduced in MapTiler Engine 13.2) lets you easily upload tilesets in GeoPackage or MBTiles format directly to MapTiler Cloud.

The basic command looks like this:

  maptiler-upload upload filename.gpkg

It will result in the tileset being uploaded to the MapTiler Cloud account that is associated with your MapTiler Engine license.

However, if you need to upload the data to some other MapTiler Cloud account, you can do this by using the --token parameter:

  maptiler-upload --token <your_auth_token> upload filename.gpkg

where the --token value is the Service Token associated with the MapTiler Cloud account you wish to upload the tileset to. Read this guide to learn more.

MapTiler Server

To host MBTiles or GeoPackage from your own infrastructure, we recommend using MapTiler Server. Simply upload the created maps within a few clicks and display them in your application with MapTiler SDK, MapLibre GL JS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, or CesiumJS. There is a standalone how-to guide describing the whole process of hosting with MapTiler Server.

Standard web server

On a standard hosting (such as an ordinary company web server) you can very simply host your maps. Just upload the directory with tiles to your web hosting and the layer is automatically available. Once uploaded, the produced maps can be opened in any viewer supporting OGC WMTS standard.

Cloud Hosting - CloudPush

The CloudPush command can be used for uploading tiles to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure Blob hosting. Examples below assume using S3 storage. If you need to use Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure Blob, just change the “s3” in the commands to “gs” or “az”, respectively. Full how-to with visual examples is available as a how-to article.

Cloud Push instance is initialized with the first uploaded map via this command line utility. It automatically creates an empty index.json, in index.html and sets WebSite configuration for this bucket. To get the required credentials, see the section Access credentials below.

Upload tiles from an MBTiles file to S3

  maptiler-cloudpush --access_key ACCESS_KEY --secret_key SECRET_KEY s3://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles

List all maps in the cloudpush tile storage

  maptiler-cloudpush --access_key ACCESS_KEY --secret_key SECRET_KEY s3://bucket_name list

Delete a map

  maptiler-cloudpush --access_key ACCESS_KEY --secret_key SECRET_KEY s3://bucket_name delete filename

Delete whole cloudpush storage

  maptiler-cloudpush --access_key ACCESS_KEY --secret_key SECRET_KEY s3://bucket_name destroy

Access credentials

The Amazon access and the secure key are available via IAM service administration interface. The credentials for the Google Cloud Storage are under “Enable interoperable access” in the menu of the service. The Azure Blob Storage requires the Storage account name as Access Key and the Key from the Microsoft Azure Portal - Storage Accounts - Access keys.

Instead of providing the access credentials in every command these can be set as system environment variables.

Example on Windows OS:

  REM for Amazon S3
  REM or for Google Cloud Storage
  REM or for Microsoft Azure Storage

Example on Linux / macOS:

  # for Amazon S3
  # or for Google Cloud Storage
  # or for Microsoft Azure Storage

and call the utility without these arguments:

  maptiler-cloudpush s3://bucket_name list
  maptiler-cloudpush s3://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles
  maptiler-cloudpush gs://bucket_name list
  maptiler-cloudpush az://bucket_name list

Advanced options

It is possible to use further options such as:


automatically creates bucket, if not existing


not handling metadata in CloudPush instance index.json


same as –no-index-json

-basename [path]

sets custom basename (default: basename of MBTiles file)


uploaded objects are private (default: public)


Enable Azure Storage Emulator API

List of available parameters can be displayed by running ./maptiler-cloudpush without any parameter

Example for using custom basename:

  maptiler-cloudpush --basename myfile s3://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles

uploads tiles with URL format: myfile/z/x/y.ext. Custom basename contains directory separators (slash), for example:

  maptiler-cloudpush --basename year/month/myfile s3://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles

result will have URL in format: year/month/myfile/z/x/y.ext.

Region-specific hosting can be set up via environment variable AWS_BUCKET_REGION=[value] or with parameter -R [value].

Example for EU (Ireland) region:

  maptiler-cloudpush -R eu-west-1 s3://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles

The list of S3 regions is provided by the utility with --more-help argument or visible at

To enable uploading tiles into Azure Storage Emulator, you need to pass the parameter --emulator for each command:

Example for emulator, does not require credentials:

  maptiler-cloudpush --emulator az://bucket_name add filename.mbtiles

The Azure Storage uses the API of the version 2015-02-21.